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Recruitment – Having a dynamic, diverse, and adaptive approach for effective recruiting.

Posted on 20 May 2024 by Peter

According to sources including Salesforce over 60% of sales people / recruiters are ‘drowning’ in tools.

They are suggesting that recruiters should adopt a more ‘adaptive, flexible’ approach and should be able to adapt to the various channels available to them.

Traditionally these channels have included: telephone and email but now includes new channels such as social media and increasingly AI and Automation. Is the use of social media the right place to close the deal?

Recruiters should consider the overall sales lifecycle. It used to be implemented using phone calls, email but increasingly it is a multi-channel journey   – including aspects such as thought leadership on social media through to calls to agree some final details (of a deal). It is suggested that recruiters must try to spend time understanding the overall picture of direct sales.

Recruiters should adapt to the preferences of their clients and adopt an ‘adaptive flexible approach’ and find the correct approach for individual clients.

There have been different approaches based on factors such as age, industry, and demographics as to what is the best communication channel to use. Recruiters should select the correct one.

The ‘Data Marketing Association suggest ‘baby boomers’ prefer the email channel of communication whereas Gen Z prefer social media and video.


We (recruiters) can build capability around touchpoints such as Personal Brand, writing personalised emails or conducting business via Teams or Zoom.

Having this approach allows you as a recruiter to be prepared for whatever way your client wishes to do business.

Utilising some of the above will allow you to be proactive as to what is next. AI such ChatGPT, Talent Insights and Automation will continue to increasingly impact, and successful recruiters should be able to respond to new trends.


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