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How to Build Rapport with the Interviewer

Posted on 1 Aug 2024 by Annie

In an ideal world, the job application process would be solely about our skills and talents. However, building relationships throughout the process can significantly increase your chances of landing the job. From meeting the receptionist at the front desk to engaging with recruiters and interviewers, making a positive impression on everyone you encounter is crucial.


Stand Out in Your Interview

One effective way to stand out during an interview is by showing genuine interest in the interviewer. Ask about their role at the company and their journey within the organization. This approach often sparks an interesting conversation and demonstrates your interest in growing with the company. Remember, people enjoy talking about themselves, and interviewers can find it refreshing to engage in a dialogue that isn't solely focused on your career achievements.


Find Common Ground

Before the interview, take the time to research your interviewers. Look up their profiles on LinkedIn to learn about their hobbies, interests, and professional background. This preparation not only shows your genuine interest but also provides excellent conversation starters. By finding common ground, you can create a more personal connection and make the interview more enjoyable for both parties.


Follow the Interviewer's Lead

Pay attention to the interviewer's demenour and follow their lead. If they seem busy and prefer concise answers, keep your responses brief and to the point. However, if they start the meeting with casual conversation, use this opportunity to build a rapport. Engage in the discussion, answer their questions thoughtfully, and ask questions in return. Listening carefully and respecting their speaking time is essential. Even if you already know the answer, let them finish before responding.


Show Empathy and Respect

Empathy and respect are fundamental in creating a positive interview atmosphere. Acknowledge the interviewer's expertise and experiences, and refrain from interrupting or dismissing their thoughts, even if you have a differing viewpoint. These twin pillars foster an environment of trust and collaboration, encouraging the interviewer to share their knowledge openly.


Validate and Appreciate

During the conversation, validate the interviewer's responses to show that their input is valued. Simple gestures like nodding, offering encouraging phrases, or expressing genuine appreciation can make them feel acknowledged and appreciated. This positive reinforcement helps maintain the flow of the conversation and keeps the interviewer engaged.


Follow Up with Gratitude

Building rapport doesn't end with the interview. A crucial follow-up step is to express your gratitude for the interviewer's time and contribution. This small gesture reinforces the connection you've built and leaves a lasting impression. Sending a follow-up message, whether through email or a handwritten note, shows your commitment to maintaining a positive and ongoing relationship.

By incorporating these strategies, you can build meaningful connections with your interviewers and increase your chances of success in the job application process.